My first project from my new book, Sew Pretty Christmas HomeStyle, are these cute little fabric apples. They were a breeze to make and I think they would look so wonderful hanging on the Christmas tree...only a gazillion more to go!
I have had quite a few comments on the photo's on my blog, some were taken by me but the majority were taken by my hubby, if you are interested in seeing more of his work you can check out
his Flickr site. To answer the question about what camera he uses it is a Cannon 40D, which he tells me he is still learning to use.
I have been tagged by Esther who has a lovely blog called
Hetty's happy days. Pop on over and take a look.
Here are the rules that I have to follow,
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
As I have passed along tags to just about everyone I know I think I will keep this one right here, however feel free to participate if you wish. Well here are my answers.
Lets see 7 facts about me that you don't already know...
I can't stand having sticky hands.
I would rather take baths than showers.
I love the smell of Tea Tree Oil, weird, huh?
I love dates...the kind you eat!
I like Boxing day better than Christmas day, I think only the Brit gals will understand that one.
I hate itchy sweaters, especially turtlenecks!
Don't like lukewarm tea, it has to be hot, hot, hot!
So there you have it some more weird stuff about yours truly!
Have a lovely day everybody.