This little guy was on our back deck a couple of days ago. It is a little newt and he was most co-operative and held very still while having his photo taken. It never fails to amaze me at all the new little creatures that seem to wander into our yard.

The weather was beautiful here today so soap making and sewing were put on the back burner and we went out for a lovely walk. All the birds are so busy right now with nest building and raising young. I thought this robin looked very sweet sitting in the sun.

The wonderful painted turtle that we saw a few weeks back was sitting on the same rock, this time you can see how colorful it really is.

We came across this Hairy Woodpecker, we actually heard it before we saw it as it was hammering away at a tree. I so enjoy our walks we never know what little creatures we will come across.
I was given another award last week, Lisa who blogs at
Periwinkle gave me a Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you Lisa.

Now, apparently I have to list 7 things that I love and also pass it on to 7 other people, hmmm lets see.. in no particular order..
1.My family, of course.
3.The color yellow.
4.Waking up in the morning to sun.
5.My garden.
6.My sewing room.
7.Chocolate, I always have to have that as a favorite.
Just in case you are all to busy to do this award I will leave it here.
Have a wonderful Thursday everybody!