All the little packages were beautifully wrapped and came with a very lovely card.
The first thing that I unwrapped was this great apron. It was so expertly sewn and I am just thrilled that it is mine!
Next was this wonderful hat and a matching pair of fingerless mitts! Oh my goodness, how did she know that I needed both! These will be sure to keep me warm this fall and winter while hubby and I are out on our nature walks.
After opening another little package I was rewarded with a new pen. This one is going into my purse for jotting things down while I am at the fabric, craft shops etc;
Can you believe there is more! Candy for my sweet tooth. The little packet of Love Hearts made me smile as I haven't eaten them since I was a child.
Look at these beautiful beads. These will come in very handy for some upcoming graft projects.
Yes there is still more! A lavender filled heart... how generous is she!
A little note pad to go along with my new pen.
Whew! Finally a British knitting magazine! This I will savor from cover to cover this afternoon while having some tea.
Thank you Pat. I am just speechless with all these wonderful gifts.
Hope you have enjoyed my "show and tell" today. It actually felt good to blog again. I promise I will try to not stay away so long before my next post.
See you soon!