About two weeks ago my husband was lucky enough to go on a photography tour at a wonderful place called Wolf Haven. It is about 25 miles south of us in Tenino, Washington. I say lucky enough because there are only two photography tours a year. One in January and the other in March. The tours are limited to winter time because as we later found out that is when wolves are the most active. They set off after breakfast at around 9 am. On the tours there is a guide and a professional photographer. My goodness what a day he had. I hope you enjoy his beautiful photos as much as I did.

Want to howl with the wolves? Yep, they even have Howl-Ins. You can howl to your hearts content. Pretty good way I think to get rid of the stresses of the day.
Wolf Haven is a lifetime sanctuary for wolves. Since 1982 they have been helping these wonderful creatures. Most of them are rescued from private ownership. So if you are thinking about owning a wolf.... don't!
As hubby was about to leave all the wolves got up and started howling. The end to a simply perfect day. I hope you have enjoyed hearing all about the wolves at Wolf Haven.
All the photos can be made larger if you click on them.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.