I have a younger sister that lives in England, we keep in touch by phone and when we can we visit each other.
About a month ago when we were on the phone she shared with me some exiting news, she and her husband have been given an invite to the Queen's garden party at Buckingham Palace, I believe sometime in June.
I am positively excited and green with envy, not only does she get to go to a garden party at Buckingham Palace but she gets to buy a whole new outfit, and more importantly a beautiful big hat.....I love big hats.
I think I can hear Bethany over at Red Yarn squealing about now, I think she loves big hats too.
My sister and I have always loved big hats, it's finding the occasion to wear them that is somewhat difficult. I remember when we were younger we would go shopping with our mom and we would drag her into the hat department at the store, she would stand and wait patiently while we had tremendous fun trying on all the hats. I think if she ever "lost" us while out shopping the first place she would look would be the hat department.
I titled this blog entry "Green with envy" but I'm really more excited for her, I hope she has a wonderful memorable day that she will remember always....way to go sis!
wow!!! this is really wonderful!!!!!! ohhh...tell her to say hello to prince william for me. he was my high school crush! lol!
What an honor! Lucky woman! She is going to have a great time, Im sure!
My brother and sister in law went to BP last year to a garden party and met the queen.....he got all tongue tied which I found very amusing.(he's in the Navy)
I'm sure she will find the perfect outfit.
Way to go, Auntie Pauline - I can't wait to see pics!!
I love you Mom .. your blog is so precious to me. xoxoxoxo
How does someone get invited to the palace?! That is so amazing! You'll have to tell us what she says after she goes! And you're right... I would love to wear a big beautiful hat and go with her!!! I think I may have to retire to England someday.
Hey Aunty Kathy it's Sophie!!
Great Blog!! Im so jealous of my parents lol!
Miss you all, love you!
x x x
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