I wish you could all smell my house right now, it is simply wonderful! I have been incredibly busy all weekend long making things for a few craft fairs that my daughter is once again participating in. For some reason I have been feeling soft and romantic so I decided to make some pillows complete with their own wonderfully smelling removable potpourri sachets. This one smells of Magnolia and it is just divine. I even used some of my lovely vintage lace that I found a while ago in an antique shop.

Then I decided to make some Lavender Sachets, it took most of the afternoon to make them and I have to say that I was wonderfully relaxed after smelling all that lavender. I think in time I may make more and add them to my little Etsy shop, just for a change of pace and to add more variety. I have so enjoyed making these, it as a nice change to make something that doesn't have arms or legs!

It wasn't all sewing this weekend, believe it or not I did leave the house for a while to run errands and stop by my brother-in-laws shop, here is another one of his beautiful Christmas decorations. I don't imagine it was to easy getting that large wreath onto the ceiling above this wonderful chandelier, but it sure does work, doesn't it? I hope you can get some decorating ideas from these pics, he really is very talented when it comes to Christmas decorating.
Now for a couple of thank-you's, first to Tess over at
Driftwood for a lovely tag, I promise I will get to it this week, that was so very sweet.
Next I can't end this post without thanking my wonderfully talented daughter for updating my blog header and my Etsy shop header. Now I am all Christmassy looking and I just love it! She has been busy updating
her own blog and has some neat ideas on there so pop on over and take a look and say "Howdy!"
Hope you all have a great start to your week.
Everything must be very mellow in your house right now, with such wonderful calming scents all around. The cushion looks fabulous, adn I can just imagine how luscious it would be in reality.
I cannot stop looking at those sachets. They are *gorgeous*!
Uncle David's store must be incredible right now! I still can't quite understand how he managed to get the wreath over the fixture, let alone stuck to the ceiling!
Love you!
P.S. Thanks for the link to my blog!
love the little sachets, wish you could smell over the internet!
don't forget the award that comes with the tag too!
That christmas wreath looks amazing on the ceiling - how on earth did he get it to stay there? I've got some lavender items on my Christmas to do list. Hopefully they'll turn out as lovely as yours
Lisa x
wow you have been busy and it all looks absolutely gorgeous!
I can smell the lavender from here ! Very lovely sachets ! and that Christmas ceiling decoration is gorgeous ! the chandelier too !
I love the title of this post ;-) It made me giggle. I love making sachets - aren't they just so yummy! Beasley looks mighty proud of his new clothes. The Christmas wreath is something your brother should educate Miss Martha Stewart on - it looks SO amazing and festive .... although is he allowed to start decorating for Christmas in November ;-)
Your pillow is absolutely beautiful. One question - how did your brother get that wreath attached to the ceiling - what a novel idea. Creativity certainly must run in your family!
Love the pillow and sachets!!! your brother is quite creative!! sure does run all in the family!!!
I love that wreath on the ceiling! It's so beautiful! And your lavender sachets sound wonderful. I got an oil infuser with pine in it and now I'm already tired of pine!!! I thought it would smell like Christmas trees :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving... we're headed out on Wednesday!
Your pillow is lovely and I think I can smell the little sachets! Does your brother know about gravity? Very creative! Guess it runs in the family!
You sure were busy this weekend! All of your creations look so beautiful. I wish I could visit your brother-in-law's shop...it looks and sounds like a really neat place to shop!
There are so many things in this post Kathy....and I just want to say WOW to all of them....WOW! Jen
Kathy:MMMMM...smell here too!Ilike so much!!LOVELYYYYY!!!!
The need header is wonderful, your daughter is pretty good with the graphics. I love your romantic creations and the wreath over the chandelier has such a beautiful effect with the lighting of the chandelier itself. Christmas decorating hasn't began in these parts as yet, maybe next week!
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