I finished six little eggs yesterday, I am not sure if I like them just like they are or maybe with a little decoration, I'll look at them for a while before I decide.
I just realized yesterday that I think I have been blogging for almost a year, I will have to go and check to make sure, some days it seems a lot longer, especially when I am having trouble coming up with things to blog about. I think this time of year is much more difficult though, so I have decided to take my camera with me everywhere I go and see what I can find. For instance, I saw these lovely little beauties while at the grocery store, they can brighten up any ones day, don't you think?
I also saw some deer this morning out on the golf course behind our house, but as I don't have a gigantic lens on my camera I just had to enjoy them all by myself, maybe hubby can help here.
I was given some recycled felted wool sweater pieces recently so I decided to make some little tissue cosies, the pieces were quite small but just the right size for a little cosy, I have already popped them in my shop.
I have still got a case of the crafting blah's but I feel creativity slowly returning, thank goodness.
Hope you have a terrific day!