Two of my favorite things are fabric and jelly beans. For some strange reason this fabric stash and these little jelly beans seemed to compliment each other quite nicely...I think the fabric will last just a little longer than the jelly beans though!
I was planning to make more bunnies this weekend, but somehow as usual the weekend just got away from me, I do have a nice clean house though so at least that is one thing that was accomplished.

My mother-in-law stopped by on Sunday afternoon so we made time for tea and some wonderful apple raspberry pie. I also made time for a short trip into the garden, although it was damp and cold it felt good to be out there again.

Even though it is still winter things are already starting to pop out, this weeping pussy willow already has a few white fluffy buds opening...

...and this lovely winter blooming heather brings some welcome color at this dreary time of year, I can hardly wait till more things start waking up....patience Kathy, patience!
Have a lovely Monday!
Oh how I love jelly beans, pussy willows and apple pie. Raspberry apple pie is a new one for me though - sounds delicious! That crust looks so flakey and yummy - must make a pie this week. Your Miss Bess is adorable.
love the colours of your fabric and your jelly beans, it's a very wet grey morning here, and they're perfect to cheer me up!
I love the colours of the jelly beans and fabric - they go together so well! That pie looks yummy - I wish I could pick it out from your blog and scoff the lot!
I love all that pink and your new banner ! This raspberry pie is looking at me ! He seems to say : eat me ! eat me... i love raspberry pie and if you add apple... To hard for me Lizzie Jane :) I can't wait to see what you will create with your nice fabrics ! Have a lovely monday :)
Kathy, that winter heather is so beautiful!! I think we need to plant one here now! And your pie looks delicious!! You've brought spring into everyone's home with your pretty pictures and all of your bunnies! It makes me feel warmer during this COLD January!!
Wow, fabric, jelly beans, raspberry pie, pussy willows and blooming heather! I guess spring is just around the corner in your neck of the woods! Here we are still stuck under a few feet of snow! But your post gives me hope!
great pics - i love your fabrics and especially love the raspberry pie - it looks scrumptions. isn't it great that just a little bit of colour in the garden makes us feel so much better!
Great photos to warm our hearts this wintery day! Apple and raspberry together sound so yummy...I'll have to try that combo sometime! We have new spring clothes in our store now, and the colors are very much like your new fabrics...I love them...so bright and cheery! Have a great day!
lovely fabrics and a superb pie ohhh how I would enjoy a slice of that....
The fabric and the jelly beans look fabulous together. Although I'm not sure which pile I would be heading for first!
Apple and raspberries sound like a wonderful combination. We have raspberries in season at the moment so i will have to give it a whirl! Love the fabric and jelly beans - looks delicious!
So much yummy fabric! And that pie looks rather yummy, as well ;)
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