I honestly don't think I can eat anymore lettuce, if I do I think I will turn green! The only meal that I don't eat lettuce is breakfast. I have been patiently waiting since last year for some homegrown lettuce. After eating it for a few weeks now I can hardly swallow any more of it. Maybe I will give it away at the garage sale... buy a book, get some lettuce. I can't even offer any to my neighbor as she has the same problem as we do. My daughter and my mother-in-law will be here for this weekends garage sale... guess what they will be going home with! I know once the season is over I will be longing for more, but right now I have had my fill.

My little veggie beds are really doing well this year, I think it's because of the wonderful weather we have been having. Although we haven't had rain for almost a month now, with our wonderful sprinkler system our little veggie plot keeps well watered.

The lilies are once again blooming although I think something seems to be nibbling on them, I will have to check on that.

I came upon this little bird nest this morning. The babies have been gone for a while, all successfully raised and well on their way.
I do love my garden in the Spring, there is always something new happening every day. Now I am patiently waiting for my tomatoes to appear and ripen. I have been longing for a homegrown tomato since last year... I just hope they don't all ripen at once!
Have a great weekend everyone!
A shame i'm not you neighbour, i am a big lettuce eater ! I love gardening and after my breakfast, i love going in the garden and seeing what is new :) That is life :)
You could try a “Quiche“ with lettuce and cheese.
I wish you a lovely “garage sale” this weekend ! xo
Soon you'll be saying "No more tomatoes". Isn't it a shame that everything ripens at once. We gave away bags of beans one year to anyone who would take them.
Do you grow any fruit?
We eat lots of salads in summer - the kids aren't big lettuce eaters though.
Wish I lived closer...I'd take some lettuce off your hands! Hope your garage sale goes well tomorrow!
How maravillosa photos!!!!!I ´m crazy for your japanese snowbell tree!!!Please,is so lovelyyyyyy!!!!!Have a wonderful weekend!! :)
I know all about the lettuce overload. We eat it every day and there is still more and more and more! It's been a cool spring so far and the lettuce loves that. Your lilies look good. Do you see any little red lily beetles on them? They love to chew away at the lilies. I am always on the hunt for them.
Your vege garden greens look sooo inviting. We're at the height of potato, pumkin and slow cooker season here! Lettuce doesn't even cross my mind at the moment!
Lovely raised beds, we always end up with a glut of courgettes and tomatoes, so lots of chutney making :) The lilies are gorgeous.
twiggy x
You may be sick of those lettuces, but they are a fabulous colour! The garden looks great!
we have similar lillies in our garden - and they never seem to last long. I'm just waiting for my lettuces to be big enough, but we've had plenty of strawberries. No green beans yet though either...
we have one little pot with lettuce growing in it - the other night I got the most amazing sense of satisfaction as I nipped out and picked some for tea , I smiled for ages..
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