I couldn't let the Christmas Season pass without wishing everyone a warm and wonderful Christmas. I am afraid my little blog has been dreadfully neglected this past few weeks. I hope that soon I can get back to regular blogging again now that the Christmas "crazies" are almost over.
There has been lots going on, some good, some not so good. Our poor daughter had a couple of pipes burst in her house and had a major flood. So now they are in the middle of having walls ripped out and some major remodeling taking place. Will be back in the New Year to talk more and show some pic's.
All in all it was a very good year for our family. I hope that it was for yours too.
See you soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We look forward to our regular chats.
Ha ha ha :) I'm off to Christmas right now :))) Merry merry Christmas my sweet friend ! xo
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I am so glad you are back - you do not know how much you were missed. So sorry to hear about your daughters pipes - can only imagine what a mess she must be dealing with.
Happy New year to you too!!! 2010 ahh!!!
nice to see you again -- hope you all had a lovely christmas ( apart from the pipes )
Lovely to see a post from you! Hope you had a wonderful Xmas and that those pipes are getting sorted out. Happy New Year. Looking forward to hearing more from you again.
Belle belle belle Année 2010 très chère LizzieJane ! xoxo
Oh no!!! Our water heater exploded 3 days after we moved in, I feel deep sympathy for your daughter right now.
It's nice to see you back, btw. :)
I L-O-V-E my soap too.
Nice blog thanks foor posting
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