Aren't little sisters just the best. Look at what mine sent me. These wonderful flowers arrived on Friday afternoon and were a complete surprise. Even though we live so far apart we always keep in touch with each other on a regular basis. I do wish she lived closer though as I miss her terribly. Thank you little sis!
As if the flowers were not enough I also made some lovely butter cream frosted cupcakes. Sometimes you just need a cupcake! These were just lovely with afternoon tea.
It was just so dreary and gloomy here today that it was really hard to roll out of bed this morning. But roll out I did and tackled some soap making. These soaps are fragranced with Lush duplicate fragrance oils. They should be ready in about three weeks or so. Some days I could make soap all day long and other days you couldn't drag me into the kitchen to do it.
Well that's about it for today as hubby has just walked in the door and dinner is calling.
See you soon!
I have three little sisters and agree with you - they are the best! Beautiful flowers, soap and cupcakes - all so yummy.
Your sister did send you beautiful bunch of flowers ! a bit of spring, they are magnificent ! I would love to make soaps, but i guess that you need lots of material and with my nine years old always around me, it could be dangerous also. Your soaps are marvellous! The middle one intrigues me, what kind of fragrance ?
Your cupcakes look delicious ! a luck i have some swiss chocolates with me... :) a bit less difficult to watch your little pink cakes :)
I wish you a lovely day
Hugs :) xo
What a lovely taste of spring! And those cupcakes look amazing. I love the soaps too. What fragrances did you use? They look almost as delicious as your cupcakes!
Well...I'm a little sister. Looking at this post I think I should go and give my big sister a call. Maybe even a big brother or two!
OH, those cupcakes look so good. I think today is a cupcake sort of day. The temps have warmed up and the days are getting a little longer. Now if I could figure out how to get rid of the mud.
all gorgeous , especially the cakes yummmy, I've just got the book about soap from the library, haven't had a chance to read it yet though -- excited
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