I had originally intended to do this post on Monday. Monday however was filled with appointments and errands and not a spare minute to sit and do much of anything. I'm here now though so I thought I would show and tell you what a lovely weekend we had.
We did a lot of walking over the weekend, as once again we were blessed with magnificent weather. It starts off frosty in the mornings but warms up as the day goes on. We started our walk very early in the morning. Only a few serious photographers were about, so it was lovely and quiet. The perfect way to start the day. The first pic is of these wonderful barns which just happen to be along one of our favorite walks. I have always loved old barns, they have so much character. These looked especially lovely in the early morning. They were a part of an old farm that has been long gone for many years now.
Further along the trail we came across this bent over tree that formed a circle with its reflection in the water. My hubby titled it "It's all about the O". It was still and quiet except for the birds that were singing...just for us of course!

Returning home we realized how hungry we were. So lunch was a grilled cheese, tomato and avocado sandwich. Sorry I was just to hungry to take a pic. You will have to believe me when I say it was delicious!
As if my weekend wasn't wonderful enough, I then settled down in my favorite chair to crochet with this...
So there you have it, my perfect weekend!
See you soon.