... when your back goes out and you are bored to tears just waiting for it to get well again? Why a new crochet project of course! That's what I get for rolling over in bed and having a wonderful stretch and then something went pop. Nothing serious though, just a strained muscle but it sure did hamper me for a few days. I think there is nothing worse than your body not being able to work right, but your brain is still going a hundred miles an hour brimming with ideas. So it was crochet to the rescue. Thank goodness that was a least something I could do. I think I am going to make these grannies into a blanket. Or at the very least a lap throw. It all depends on how bored I get making a ton of little grannies. I have decided to put this together as I go along. That way I won't have the daunting task of sewing in a gazillion little ends once all the squares are finished.
Of course walking was out of the question over the weekend. It was a shame though as we had great walking weather again. I did make a short visit to my 93 year old neighbor to pop her mail over to her. We both had a giggle when she was able to get up out of the chair much faster than I could. Stayed for some tea and then waddled home....
... to this lovely dinner. There is something to be said for being laid up for a few days and being taken care of.
We are so lucky to live in the Pacific Northwest and have such an abundance of yummy salmon. So dinner was salmon coated with herbs and spices, spicy rice and asparagus with olive oil and lemon. Yummy, yummy, yummy! I always think it is such a treat to have dinner cooked for you. I really enjoy the meal a lot more than if I had to cook it myself.
So having your back pop out isn't really so bad...not that I am recommending it. But it does have a few little advantages!
See you soon!
My back 'goes' now and then so I totally understand what you have been through. Mind you, you certainly made good use of your recovery time! Lovely squares. I am learning to crochet. Well, it has been a week, so I have along way to go yet!
I am new to craft blogs but am thoroughly enjoying following several, including yours.
Thanks for the inspiration!
ouch poor you, hope your back is better soon, but not too soon xoxoxo
I hope you're moving around again soon with no pain. Meanwhile, enjoy the pampering and have fun with your little squares.
I try to sew things together as I go along, too. Makes it much easier at the end when you just want to finish and move on to another project.
Get better soon. Enjoy being spoiled.Grannys are looking lovely
Kindest Regards Linda
Oh dear, i hope that you will be better very soon.
How lovely is your new crochet project! These squares are so bright, I definitely want to start something with squares.
That is a lovely dinner, it does look so yummy! I like asparagus very much :P
Take care of yourself, xo
Hope you are feeling better Kathy - love your grannies. I have never had back problems so can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be. Please take care.
Oh, my! I hope you are up and around again soon. I, too, have back problems and have been laid up on many occasions because of it. I'm glad that you have something creative and fun to do while you heal! Take care!
I hope your back feels better soon!
Fell better soon. Who cooked dinner? Your husband? It looks wonderful! Lucky you if he can cook like that.
Wow that looks good!!! I'm sorry to hear about your back... that happens to me way too often. That's why I started to do yoga. You'd be proud of me because I'm crocheting little washcloths to go with the soaps I got from Layla for the kids and Craig for Valentine's Day! I forgot how much I missed crocheting!
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