Perfectly perfect is I think the right two words to describe my Mother's Day weekend! Notice how I say weekend and not Mother's Day. We quite frankly deserve more than just one day, don't you think? A bit of a long post today so you might want to get some tea or coffee before you come along.
It actually started on Friday morning when I happened to spot out the window this wonderful bird. Luckily hubby was working from home. I tore up the stairs and managed to utter these three words "bird, garden, camera". By now he knows when I utter those words that it must be something very special and it was.
This a Yellow Headed Blackbird. Apparently quite uncommon in our area. We had certainly never seen one before. He actually stayed all day in our garden, and our neighbors. He would fly up to the top of the tree then fly back down for some food and water. At around 7pm he had his last feed and then flew off over the golf course and then he was gone. What a thrill though while he was here. I like to think of our garden as a pit stop for migrating birds. Somewhere to rest and replenish before continuing on their long journey.

On Saturday morning we were up early and hubby spotted this little bird taking a morning bath in our pond. This is a Black-Headed Grosbeak. First time seeing one of these in our garden too. We watched him for a while taking his wonderful bath. He really seemed to enjoy splashing around in the cold water.
By now we were wondering what else was going to turn up in the garden! We did however leave and went for a walk down at the Wildlife Refuge. The air was cool and fresh, just the perfect temperature for taking a walk. The swallows are back and as usual arguing over something or other.
We also spotted an enormous....

... frog! Yes it's that time of year when they are all looking for mates. They sure do make a lot of noise calling for one.
Anyway back home we came to a nice lunch and to tackle some gardening. I still had quite a few flower plants that needed to go in the ground.

I fed my roses and as usual one...

... bit me! That's OK though as nothing could spoil my perfect weekend. We pottered around some more then it was time for tea.

So while I sat here and crocheted Granny Squares my lovely hubby made tea. I must have sat for an hour or two only stopping to eat some of these...

.... lovely handmade chocolates from my daughter. I would have loved to have shown you them but I had to eat them rather quickly as the sun was melting them quite fast!

Of course I just had to eat some strawberries on my perfectly perfect day in the garden and these were perfectly delicious!

Finally the weekend came to a close with a wonderful dinner in the garden. I think when I rolled into bed that night I still had a smile on my face. It was indeed a perfectly perfect Mother's Day Weekend!
See you soon.