It was anything but quiet around here yesterday. We had such very strong winds that it even blew the barbecue grill off the deck! Let me tell you when it hit the house it made such a loud noise that I wasn't sure what had happened. No damage though...thank goodness.
This little hummingbird just decided to sleep through it all. He was on the tree outside my kitchen window. Totally oblivious as to all that was going on around him. I was worried that he would be blown out of the tree.
Today is a much better day so I managed to get another one of the bags that I have been making photographed. I quite like the color of this one. Something a bit lighter for summer.
Every year in February I always order my summer hanging basket from Edgewood Flower Farm. They are ready for pick up around the 1st of May or so. Last weekend I picked up this years basket. We have it on a cart right now as it is still a bit to cool to leave it outside over night. It makes it very easy to just wheel it in and out as it is very heavy, even more so after it's watered. In a couple of weeks it will be hung on our front porch. By summer it will be enormous and in full bloom. Of course once again I will fret about it being to heavy for the hook and wondering if it will come down. Never has yet but silly me I still continue to worry!.
This lovely cow was out at the farm and of course we are never without a camera. She looked up just as we were taking her picture. I thought she looked so lovely and peaceful chomping on some grass. I quite like cows. I remember as a young girl growing up in Scotland I always wanted to have a Highland cow as a pet! I can just imagine my poor mother telling me why this was not possible and I am sure I must have kept insisting. She must have gotten through to me though as I don't remember ever having one!
Well now I am off to get some lunch and have a putter about in the garden. After all the wind yesterday who knows what I might find!
Enjoy your day.
That is such a pretty cow! She even looks like a girl, doesn't she?
I'm always amazed at how tough birds are. They can sit on an exposed branch thru wind, rain and snow. They look fragile, but they're not.
Oh lizziejaaaaaaane.... they have MINIATURE highland cattle! You could pop one in your yard!
Wonderful post as usual - made me smile!! Love the cow and bird picture. Your purse is lovely - I agree with you - the colors are so "summer". What really made me smile was the word pudder - I thought I was the only one who pudders!! People in the south don't use this word - up north it was an everyday word!! No matter what, I still love to pudder! Hope you are having a great week.
Oops - just noticed my typing error - putter not pudder. Guess I better learn to proofread sooner rather than later!
I love that hummingbird photo, but the cow smiling for the picture takes the biscuit! Love it! I didn't realise you were Scottish! Where are you originally from?
I love cows too, especially smiling cows! That one looks pregnant. The hummingbird is adorable. I have not seen one in my yard yet this year. Maybe it is too early. The little purse looks terrific. Great colour for summer.
This pic of the little hummingbird is just adorable and magnificent! I like cows as well :-) but i am very impressed by your photos of birds, because i can take pictures of cows, as they don't move to quickly, but not of birds > when i say “cheese!” or “smile!” the bird has already left the place :-))))
You have made another beautiful bag!
Have a good day my friend! xo
We had a hummbird nest on our front porch last Spring. It was the most amazing thing - don't ask how it ended as it was sad :(
Love the little bag - it's freakin adorable. I bet your yard is lovely. g
I guess we are to get some of that wind tomorrow. My boys are running at a track meet...I hope it is a tail wind! :) Great photos again...I just admire your wildlife so much!
♥ Olá, amiga!
Passei para uma visitinha.
Para você... com muito carinho ♥
"Quem tem o abraço mais apertado...
mais carinhoso...♥
e um amor tão grande... tão grande...♥
que apaga qualquer desamor?"♥
Feliz Dia das Mães!!!
♥Ótimo fim de semana!
Beijinhos carinhosos.
I always stop and say 'hello' to cows in a field, and especially love to see the faces on calves. Your hanging basket is going to look stunning when in full bloom. I don't do hanging baskets of Summer bedding, as I tend not to keep them watered enough. I can just imagine that dear little bird, when fast asleep, twizzling full circle around that tree branch in a gust of wind! Your bag make is very pretty, and perfect colours for the Summer. I hope better weather arrives for you very soon. x
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