I really am addicted to sock knitting. My blue socks are almost finished. I once again stuck with a very plain rib pattern and concentrated on knitting a good sock. When I was a young girl and just starting out with knitting I wanted to jump right in at the deep end and knit a sweater with a lace pattern for my very first project. I can still hear my mother telling me that I should learn to walk before I run! So here we are all those years later and I finally did listen to her and made two pair of plain decent socks that I am quite happy with. But now....

....well I think I am ready to run a bit and get a bit more adventurous! Look at this scrumptious yummy sock yarn. I just couldn't resist buying some. It's lovely and soft and I can hardly wait to get my little itchy sock knitting fingers on it!
But it will have to wait for just a little bit as my daughter and I will be going to the annual Lavender Festival in Sequim on Friday. We love taking a trip there to see and smell all the wonderful sights and to indulge in our all time favorite... Lavender Ice Cream! If only we could bring a trunk load home with us. So it's been a bit of a busy week trying to get everything finished around here before we go. We will be leaving quite early on Friday so we can get there at a decent time. I should have lots of pic's to show when I get home.

Now that our weather has warmed up enough we have been having our dinner out in the garden. It never fails that there is at least one uninvited guest that shows up. This time it was a little chipmunk. He sat up in our pine tree staring at us while we ate. I think he was hoping for us to share our meal. Such cute little things, aren't they?
Earlier in the day... and I mean really early we went out for another nature walk. It was around 7.30 in the morning and it really is a lovely way to start the day. We were the only two people about so it was nice and quiet and the air was fresh and cool. The young Barn Swallows are all leaving their nests now but still trying to get that last feed from mom. I am amazed that one of them didn't fly into us as they were swooping down everywhere. The highlight of the morning though was watching this amazing.....
... River Otter. There were actually three of them. We think it was a mother and her two babies. They splashed and played and even caught a good size fish which they all squabbled over. We stood for the longest time while hubby happily clicked away with his camera. I don't honestly think that they would have stuck around as long if there had been more people about. Lucky us!
Well that's it from me until after I get back from my little trip. Enjoy the rest of your week. See you soon!
Thanks for popping into see me!
Hope your Craft Fairy looks aftr you well!
Lovely photos as ever
Kindest Regards Linda
You take the most wonderful nature walks. I see those lovely soap roses on your sidebar. I gave a package of them to each of my vet techs for Christmas along with a rubber ducky.
When I started knitting, after the usual scarf, I decided I wanted to knit a lacy, lined baby sweater for a friend of the family. My Mom shook her head but let me try. It turned out pretty well and when I was done Mom said if I could knit that, I could knit anything.
Glad to see you have the sock knitting bug, it can truly become addictive! Unfortunately I haven't had much need for socks lately, but I'm sure I will get back into it over the winter.
Amazing natives you get to see on a walk, must make it fun!
Such yummy yarn.
I am so impressed with the sock knitting - actually I am envious. I dream of doing something like this someday! Wonderful nature pictures - love that little chipmunk. I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful weekend. What is lavendar icecream?? I am curious - I vision is to be pale purple in color but what does it taste like??
Enjoy your trip...sounds like fun! Your socks look great--beautiful and functional! And I agree that your yarn looks fabulous...can't wait to see what you create!
Love your socks! Lovely new yarns too! I love the smell of lavender, but I have never tasted lavender ice cream. Sounds interesting. Great nature shots, as always!
Ooh, those socks are a shade of lavender. Hope you had a great time at the festival. Such a privilege to meet the otter family. x
I love the colour of the yarn you have used on the socks. Gorgeous! But those photos! The otter and chipmunk are the cutest :)
Your photos are amazing! The nature is so beautiful! I send you a lots of kisses my dear friend xo
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