What a lovely surprise we had at breakfast yesterday morning. This wonderful fellow came to take a bath in our little pond. It is a Varied Thrush. He wasn't alone, he had the Mrs. with him.

He patiently waited on the rock while she took her bath. What a splash of color in the garden at this dreary time of year.
I often wonder who or what uses our little pond... especially at night while we are sleeping. I can always tell when the raccoons have been for a visit as they love to turn over a few of the rocks. Probably looking for a tasty morsel or two. I guess I could get up in the middle of the night and take a peek out there but it is so warm and toasty in bed that I only think about it for a second or two before rolling over into dreamland again. Maybe I could poke hubby and get him to go and take a look.... what do you think? Probably not. So I guess it will remain a mystery.

A Northern Flicker has been hanging around at the suet feeder. We sure do go through a lot of suet in the winter.

While this is not the clearest picture it is very interesting watching these two House Finches fighting. You can barley make it out but there is a female in the middle of all this squabbling. She is sitting on the fence just minding her business when all the ruckus started. Could be that maybe an early Spring is on tap... I hope so!

Still managing to get some sewing done. I made myself this itty bitty coin purse. It is really tiny. Only about 2 inches long. I have lots of wool scraps lying around and there was just enough for this little purse.

I also made a couple more pouches for my little shop. This one is made from wool and ultra suede.

This one is completely different. Very bold and bright. I fancied doing some applique so this is what turned out. Sure does make a deary dark afternoon a little more pleasant working with such bright colors.
Well that's it from me for this week. I will be staying with my daughter again for the weekend where I will be working at my "other" job... soap making!
No rest for the weary!
See you all next week.