At this time of year when we rarely see the sun I just love it when I am given spring flowers. My lovely daughter gave me this beautiful Hyacinth plant on Saturday. I wish you could smell how wonderfully fragrant it is. I am starting to notice already that there are quite a few spring flowers for sale. Gives me hope that Spring can't be too far away. So far this winter we haven't had too much bad weather. In fact it has been pretty mild here. Not so for the rest of the country. Many places are inundated with snow, poor things. At least we don't have to shovel all our rain!

While our daughter was visiting this past weekend we took her to our favorite walking place. Quite a bit of wildlife was spotted. These two Bald Eagles were perched high up in a dead tree scanning the horizon. No matter how many times we see them it is always a thrill.

There is always lots of bathing and splashing going on. Now that more and more ducks are returning there is usually quite a bit of squabbling for the best nesting spots. I always love the time of year when all the new babies arrive.

Still making those little pouches for my shop. I am also trying to work on some other projects that I have had in my mind for a while. I have been trying to work on a little owl. I just have to keep plodding away until I have it just right.
Wherever you are I hope you are having a great Tuesday.
See you soon!
Those bald eagles are really cool! What a great photo! Your little pouches are so cute. I really like the one in your shop that is pink with the little bunny. Keep them coming!
The plant is lovely. We were shopping yesterday and the woman in line ahead of us had the most beautiful dark purple tulips. I hope spring is right around the corner. I'm tired of feeling cold.
I love Owls so hope you manage to get that design right soon.
It's really something to spot Bald Eagles on a walk. It's usually Woodpigeons on mine! That hyacinth blue really is something special, as is the scent. Have a great Wednesday Kathy, and thanks for being a friend. x
I love the fragrance of the Hyacinth, so wonderful! We are having a very cold winter this year. We haven't had one like that since years, something like 1969 or not far. I can't wait to see Spring and the wild Hyacinths in the woods. Your new pouches are very very lovely. The fabrics are very sweet.
Those two eagles are so impressive! Beautiful!
Beautiful plant - such a pretty color. I am waiting to see your owl!! Love your fabric especially the cow print - how cute it is!
We are getting snow right now! I love your hyacinth... gorgeous. And your photos of the eagles are wonderful (and the duck!). You've been so busy... I hope they all sell!
As always, I love your nature photos. The spring bulbs are coming into our stores too now. I love that Hyacinth. Almost bought myself one identical to that. I love your cute fabrics too, especially the cows!
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