What a weekend we are having, we had a bit of a snow storm yesterday, the good news is that we didn't lose power as they were predicting. The garden looks so wonderfully white and fluffy, my little pond has now gone from being frozen last week to almost buried this week, I just might bundle up in a little while and go out there and enjoy it!

Yesterday I had a headache, and as I opened the brand new pot of Tylenol and pulled out the cotton from the inside I had a wonderful memory flood my brain. Many years ago when I was a little girl and living in England our mum would save the cotton from inside those pill pots to use on Christmas Eve. We always had a real tree, and I mean not a cut fresh tree, but one with a root on it, which our dad would carry home on his back, like a lot of families we didn't have a car back then. Every year our dad would plant the tree in a very large pot filled with dirt, so that when Christmas was over the tree could be planted in the garden. You are probably thinking that we must have had a forest of Christmas trees in our yard, well unfortunately not one tree survived, but every year the tree was planted anyway just in case.
Once the tree was set up inside the house our mum disguised the pot with red crepe paper and a large festive bow, then it was decorated with wonderful ornaments, some bought and some handmade, the finishing touch to the tree was the cotton that our mum had been saving. The last thing that my brother, sister and I would do on Christmas Eve was to decorate the tree with "snow", the cotton would be doled out between the three of us and we would pull off pieces and throw them on the tree to resemble snow flakes, just to let Santa know that we were completely ready. In my eagerness to get my snow on the tree my flakes rather resembled large hunks of white glue thrown all over the tree, my sister on the other hand was much more careful, pulling off tiny wisps that looked like delicate little feathery snowflakes. As I stood yesterday with the cotton in my hand and the wonderful memory in my brain I just couldn't resist, I walked over to the tree and pulled off a tiny piece of cotton and threw it on the tree, this time it looked just like my sisters all light and feathery, and only I know it's there....

...until now.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Oh, my! Glad you let me in on your little secret. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sadness, but of happy memories from my early childhood. My wish for Christmas this year is simple. Just that simplicity. That's what it's all about. Memories of things that didn't cost anything, but brightened our days. Wishing you and yours a Simple and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
what a lovely post - have a very happy christmas.
What a lovely post - childhood memories are just the best - I've still got my dad searching for the thing I want to show you, thats part of my childhood memories that you brought back for me ... Hope the snow stays for Christmas day.
Merry Christmas
Lisa x
What a sweet memory and the snow is beautiful - really do miss a white Christmas. Here is Texas that is but a dream!
Isn't it wonderful what simple things can trigger a memory, a smell, a sound, a little piece of cotton.
That's quite a blanket of snow covering your garden. It brings back memories of my childhood Christmas in New York.
lizzie what a wonderful memory. thank you for sharring it with us.
What beautiful memories! And what beautiful snow! We just finished watching "White Christmas" with our boys...looks like you just might have one this year! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi Kathy -
What a wonderful, wonderful story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about your tree and 'cotton wool' snow. Happy holidays from a not so snowy Israel!
Lisa x
So beautiful with the snow !
Merry Christmas !
How lucky to have all that snow! It can be a pain in the neck but is so pretty. We hardly ever get snow anymore. Have a lovely Christmas xx
The story of your memory and how it struck you from nowhere was so lovely. I love it when things like that happen to me....and your yard! Is that the same yard that was full of blooms and buds in the Spring? It's a world away from the Summertime that we have here at the moment. The kids are sitting with me in their summer pj's and the windows are slung open. I can't imagine a cold Christmas.
What a lovely history and thank for all you give to me (and the others)with your dolls,photos and your sweet words!!!!You are so special!!!!!Ireally hope you have a wonderful,best Christmas with your family!!!!!!!
merry Christmas , I hope this one will create happy memories for the years to come xx
What a sweet memory you shared with us....thank you!!! i think its just lovely, your mom was a very smart cookie!!!!! Gorgeous snow, and lots of it!!! have a merry Christmas, stay happy healthy and warm!!! :)
Just popping in to say
"Have a happy Christmas day"!
With love from all at the Cottage
I love your Christmas memory. Memories make Christmas all the more special. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Hello - I can't remember how I came across your blog but this memory is so sweet! I think it sounds like a great idea for decoration too.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
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