While "unwinding" yesterday I looked around at some of the Christmas decorations and realized over the years how many things I have made for our home and family, from all the clothing, to the toys and numerous home dec sewing for our home. I have to tell you it give me a nice warm fuzzy feeling as I looked about, and that brings me to the photo above, I made this little snowman so many years ago now, we were in Germany at the time and with money being a little tight making things was the only option. I remember how long and hard I looked for his little carrot nose, let alone trying to ask for it in German!
Well today looks like it is going to be another one of those days, I will be leaving shortly to make another trip to the post office, I will be mailing of Dougal the little Scottie dog who will be joining his brother Hamish, who went the day before, it is so nice to know that they will be spending Christmas together.
Don't forget to take time out for a cup of tea, trust me, it does a body good!
My best friend is from England and believes strongly in the recuperative powers of a cup of tea. When we lived next door to each other we got together almost every afternoon for tea. Now we often get together on the phone, each with a cup of tea.
I love the two dogs together.
I wish we here in the United States had kept up with our English ancestors' tradition of tea time...in Chile, where I grew up, they had a similar tradition called "once" where, at one time, the whole country came to a standstill from 2-4 and had tea and a nap...I'm all for that these days!!!!
Darling snowman - would you believe I have never tasted tea - maybe I should give it a try. Your British traditions are all so neat.
you are so right Lizzie, a tea break is such an important ritual!
Enjoy that tea... thoguh I'm from England and only coffee does it for me! Strange but true!
You know what? I think I will go and put the jug on. I have come cup cakes that need a bit of icing and together they should work at treat! You're right there is an unbelievable sense of accomplishment when you can see that you have made something that has made a little difference to those you love. Have a great weekend! Now for the jug! Jen
When I was a child, my mother and myself use to go almost every saturday to a tea room, the place was beautiful, we took a lovely tea and cakes ; I could take all the cakes I wanted... This was the best breaks I ever had. With my mother, in a nice place, with a cup of tea :) nice memories :)
Polly Put the Kettle On
Polly Put the Kettle On
Polly Put the Kettle On
We'll all have tea...
I wish there were more time so I could make christmas decs instead of christmas presents - maybe I'll start in August next year :-)..
Lisa x
I agree with you! If you don't stop and breathe a bit, time just flies by and you forget to reflect on everything that's happening! (like today!) Anyways, I love that this snowman has a history! I want all of my things to have meaning to me. I've started to weed out those decorations that I never really cared for and just place the ones with special memories out to look at!
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