After bakng I went out into the garden for a while and pruned back and fed all the roses, I gave them their first feed of rotten banana peels and Epsom salts. Sounds pretty yummy doesn't it, but it sure does help them grow. I was only out there for just a short while as it was still pretty cold but I did find one lonely acorn just laying there so I brought it in the house!
Well I think I am all crocheted out now, believe it or not this big acorn actually started off as a crocheted bowl but somewhere along the way the shape changed and an acorn was born. Quite a lot of things I make are happy mistakes, they usually start of with an great idea and sprout into something else. As long as they turn into good mistakes then I don't mind at all. One of these days I will have to do a post about all the 'what was I thinking ideas' trust me there are lot's of them.
Tomorrow the weather looks like it will be beautiful here so I think another nature walk is in the works... I wonder what or if we will see anything, I'll let you all know when we get back.
what a cute "mistake". can't wait to see what your nature walk shows you.
barbara brown
Yum! That cake looks great! I would love to read a post about all your 'what was I thinking' ideas! How big would that squirrel have to be to eat an acorn that size? Just wondering. have fun on your nature walk!
The cake looks yummy. I never heard of that concoction for roses. Is it only for roses and how do you apply it? Do you make it a liquid or paste?
Ohh that cake looks *delicious*!!!
What a lovely cake, Kathy ! it looks so tempting !!!! Thank you for your nice advices, and yes i have already heard something about banana's peels but i did not remember exactly what it was for, so thanks a lot ! I like your acorn ! Do you have squirrels in your garden lucky girl ? Have a great day :) xo
haha! your acorn made me think of Scrat in Ice Age 1&2 but the cake? Mmmmm.. the cake made me think of an afternoon spent baking.
Yummy! That cake looks and sounds scrumptious. Your acorn is really cute, too! You never know what will result when you start creating! Hope your weather is nicer today! Enjoy it!
Yummy cake, yummy crochet - what more could a person want - except for a nature walk. Sounds perfect to me Kathy.
The cake looks absolutely delicious!
MMMMMMMM!I´m want!Looks very delicius.Have a chocolate inside?Lovely weekend!:)
Limes must be THE thing lately - because I just made some key lime mousse from a magazine that I just bought! Great minds....! : )
I need the recipe for this cake! x
That acorn is awesome. Are you willing to sell it? You can not find a plush acorn anywhere.
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