Yesterday I took my first walk since I came down with this cold, it felt good to be out in the fresh air and blow all those nasty germs away. Of course hubby came along and snapped a few pic's of some more wonderful animals and birds.

It really did feel good to be outside but I never intended to walk 5 miles or so. I was pretty wiped out when we returned home so it was into a hot tub, with of course my lovely soaps and bubble bar that my daughter gave me last week. I have to say that I love all the soaps but I really love the buttermilk one, and the bubble bar makes so many bubbles that even after an hour the bubbles were still lovely and fluffy.
Finally I have to say a big thank you to Bettina who blogs at Wishes in Pink for the sweet tag that she gave me, as we both speak different languages it is a bit hard to figure out but I am persistent so hang in there Bettina and I am sure I will get it!
Have a lovely Thursday !
What wonderful pictures your husband takes. Feel better soon.
Glad you are feeling a bit better. We are having another round of sickness at our house, it seems! The photos are just great, once again. I just love that you can see all that wildlife right around where you live. That's so cool!
love the linen coasters. Your hubby sure gets some great photo. I love the birds and the little furry guy is really cute. Glad your feeling better.
Glad to hear you are on th mend! Love your coasters - the little bag to store them is delightful.
Good to hear that you are slowly on the mend. Colds can be pretty tenacious. Love the linen coasters.
Hi Lizzie, love the coasters and the fact that they come in their own bag is lovely.
Your hubby takes the most wonderful wild life photo's ours usually turn out in a blurr. Hope you shake of that cold soon.
I love that fabric !!! My daughter caught a cold :) so, i already know that i will catch it very soon :(
Glad to know you feel better :) and as always, you bring back from walks such wonderful pictures !!! I have never seen a coyote in my life :) and the Blue Heron is fabulous ! It is fabulous to walk in such an amazing landscape. and more fabulous to appreciate it :)
I must say that your soaps and bubble bar are very tempting !!! xo
Hola,Kathy:I´m hope you fell much better,I have an infection in my eyes,here the name is conjuntivitis viral,during a months,is terrible fell bad,but i´m keep going.Thank so much for your words,you are my first friend in the word the blogs and you are so especial lady!!!Come back soon!!!!Un besote grande!:)In my family every know Lizzie Jane.
The heron photo is wonderful! Wow! Glad you felt a little better to go out for a hike. You had a bubble bath for an hour?? How luxurious! I guess you can do that when your kids get bigger!
glad you are feeling a bit better and hope you make a full recovery soon - not sure a 5 mile walk is the way to go tho!!! lovely pics.
Sorry to hear that you're still unwell. Hope your feeling better soon. I can't get over all the wildlife you capture on film!
I am so glad you are feeling better - must not be sick for the weekend! Love you pictures - it looks like spring is arriving in your part of the country.
I think to be outside in the fresh air does wonders for a cold. There is nothing worse than being cooped up inside feeling grotty. I hope now a few days have passed you are starting to feel better. x
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