Look what I found in my garden today. This sweet little hedgehog was just looking around and decided to make my garden his home!
When my daughter was little we would quite often visit her Granny and Grandad in England. One of her fondest memories was pottering around in the garden with her Grandad. Living under the garden shed was a hedgehog. Before coming inside for bed she would always leave a saucer of milk out for her new little friend. In the morning all the milk was gone and all that was left was a couple of tiny muddy footprints on the saucer. Of course she had to name him and decided that the name Sammy Slurper fitted quite nicely. So here is my little Sammy Slurper.

It was a lovely Mother's Day weekend. The sun was out and it was quite lovely for this time of year. These beautiful flowers arrived for me for Mother's day from my sweet daughter, I thought the colors were just wonderful.

The weather was so nice in fact that we sat outside and had afternoon tea. Hubby's camera is never far away, thank goodness, as he spotted these two sweet little goldfinches having a tender moment. They actually kissed several times before flying off. There seems to be a whole lot of loving going on in my garden right now. This morning I spotted a whole bunch of frog spawn in the garden pond. Now if I can just keep that pesky snake away that was here last year. I haven't seen him yet this year so I am keeping my fingers crossed he has moved on elsewhere.... lets hope!
Lovely hedgy.....do you have them in America?
What beautiful flowers!
I love the little Sammy Slurper and I'm glad to see you've returned to making little creatures. I have a soft spot for little stuffed creatures.
So sweet. I love him. Good to hear you had a great mothers day. It was awesome here in NZ too
I love Sammy slurper, there certainly is something about messing about in sheds especially if a Sammy lives under it.
Fantastic picture of the birds.
haha! i had to do a double take! Lovely hedghogs :o)
Oh cute! We visited a hedgehog hospital last time we visited England! A woman who's house was full of them! My youngest son adores the little spiky animals!
This little hedgehog is fabulous ! Sammy Slurper is very lovely !
And as always, your photos of the two little goldfinches is wonderful ! Does he wait a long time to catch such a moment ? Incredible ! Have a wonderful day :) xo
sooo cute - those little birds - how lovely to get that pic! your flowers are gorgeous and the hedgehog is great!
What a wonderful birdy photo!
: )
Cute birds, nice flowers and the sweetest little hedgehog I have ever seen!
Oh,what a lovely photos!!!!Lovely,lovely!!!!
Oh love that hedgehog!!! How cute about your daughter when she was wee little. My son loves the Hedgie the hedgehog book.
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