Here is what I have been busy with the last few days. Lovely loofah soaps! Excellent for rough knees, elbows and feet. These smell especially yummy. I made them in strawberry, orange, lime and lemon fragrances. I really wanted a big bowl of fruit after smelling these all morning. For sale now in our Etsy shop.

With our mild weather that we have been having there is already a lot of territorial squabbling and early nest building going on in our back yard. The birds are also sprucing themselves up to look good for a new mate. This little guy was just about to take a bath. It makes me shiver when I see something this tiny in the really cold water. Brrrr!

This beautiful little Song Sparrow just sang and sang and sang. It's fun to go out into the garden at this time of year and watch it all come to life again. I am always amazed how quickly the buds come onto the trees and shoots start popping through the ground.

Even the bees are appearing again. This one is tucked deep inside one of my daffodils.
Yes I do love this time of year!
Spring is such an amazing time of year. I wish we weren't heading into Autumn over here in NZ
I love spring! And I love your loofah soaps!
Love your loofah soaps - something I really could use! The colors make me hungry.
Gosh your soaps just make me hungry! Gorgeous as always. If you want to try quilling sometime, its dead easy, let me know if you do try and need any help.
Rosie x
Good Lord!!! Your loofah soaps are amazing!!! They are beautiful!!!
I think I'd like a big bowl of those soaps!
Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing everything come back to life. We'll have to wait a bit longer. It's been pretty cold here and the buds aren't out very far yet.
Those loofah soaps look great!
Wow, those soaps are so unique! My Mum would have loved them, she always had a loofah. Gorgeous scents, and colours! Isn't it lovely to have birds visit the garden. To hear and see them always makes my day. x
Excellent Addition!
Cheap Loofah
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