I was a very busy little bee over the weekend. I made some more sugar scrubs that are already listed in the shop. I love using these scrubs in the bath. They have just the right amount of sugary scrubbiness and almond oil to buff and smooth the skin. Just perfect to get rid of all that winter dryness.
Harry finally got his boots and he did indeed share some chocolate with me. Of course I still have my....
It occurred to me today while doing this post that most of my blogging is done in my jammies. Either really late at night or very early in the morning. If I had my way I would live in jammies all day long! Whenever I am asked what I want for my birthday or for Christmas the answer is always the same...jammies!
I think we should have a National Jammie Day. Everyone would be required to wear jammies all day long no matter where they went. I think everyone would be smiling a lot more because they would be a lot more comfortable. Lets not forget Big Fluffy Slipper Day either!
Oh well a girl can dream can't she?
See you soon!
Yesterday was a dream day for me too. I didn't get out
of my JP all day long what a great day. It's so great to be comfy.
I haven't been in my jammies but I have had a whole day all to myself --- BLISS!! The scrubs look superlicious
Kindest Regards Linda
I second the motion - jammies are the best. Comfort is what it is all about. Throw in some sugar scrubs and the day would be perfect!!
You are exactly like my daughter :-)... But the Jammie National Day exist in Japan (that special day you go working with your jammies and your slippers on :-)
I love your Easter Bunny and the delicious scrubs! It does look marvellous! Hugs
Hee hee - for me it's blue jeans. I live in them. I think if I wore a skirt tomorrow my husband wouldn't recognize me!
I'm going to check out those scrubs!
Olá, amiga!
Passei para uma visitinha...
( ),,( )
Com carinho, para você e sua família...
Feliz Páscoa!...
Itabira - Brasil
I remember those days, pre dog pack, when I could stay in jammies and a robe all day. Now it wouldn't be very practical, but maybe just once in a while.
I have my own little stash of chocolate, too.
Totally unrelated to your post ... I was in a shop today and took out my wallet (my own Lizzie Jane special wallet) and the lady behind the counter said 'I love your wallet' and of course I thought of you and all your wonderful creations!
I am in my jammies as I took the dog out today in the pouring rain and everything got soaked and cold. So once home I had to disrobe at the door and then dance through the rooms in my knickers before finding my warm pj's to crawl into. I love PJ's! Perfect for every occasion. Although my husband my protest that statement. x
Ha! Ha! That's too funny because I am in my jammies too! There's nothing better than a stash of chocolate!
Jammies are the best! We had a "Family Pajama Party" last Friday night at school to culminate our reading emphasis month. I was presenting to parents so I didn't wear my PJ's but I did wear my big, pink, fluffy slippers!
Your scrubs all sound delicious - love the colour/flavour combinations.
Me again-- Just popping in to say Thank You for your kind comments about the flannel bunny
Hope you have a lovely Easter
Kindest Regards Linda
I must admit to doing a bit of blogging in bed, before I get going and ready for work. So of course I am in jammies too! You are a clever knitter, Harry's boots look great. Goes without saying I love the sugar scrubs. x
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