Today is officially our daughter's birthday but we celebrated over the weekend. Her birthday barbecue was just lovely even if we did have to move the whole thing indoors. Our backyard faces a bluff that over looks the Puget Sound. Even though we are quite a bit a way we still get all the cool breezes that come off the water. It's great when we are having a hot summer day as it cools us down quite nicely. But not so great when we are only having lukewarm days. All in all though it was a terrific day. When you have wonderful family and good food what more could you ask for.

Her birthday cake was just delicious! As usual we all ate far to much so Monday was a lighter meal day to try and even things out a bit. To cap off her birthday we are going to a sneak preview of the new Twilight movie tonight. We have sneaky peek tickets for the 9 o'clock showing. Looks like it will be a late night for us.

It wasn't all play and no work while she was here. We made up several batches of our whipped soap.

I just love taking a bath with this! Not a bad afternoons work even if I do say so!
Well that's it for now as my day is going to be a busy one. I do have one other bit of news though... can you believe I am finally knitting a pair of socks! I have one and a half socks done already. So far things are going smoothly and I am just thrilled. I'll show them off in my next post.
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Happy belated Birthday to your daughter. You guys certainly made a lot of that soap. At first I thought it was a dessert of sorts. It looks good enough to eat.
Now I'm hungry. I skipped lunch for a doctor's appointment and looking at that food has my mouth watering. The cake is gorgeous. Did you make it? It's a piece of art.
Your soaps do look good enough to eat and I bet they smell that way, too.
Sounds like a great weekend was had to all - your daughters cake is beautiful. Is that fondant icing - I have not been brave enough to try fondant. Enjoy the movie!!
I love your dishes! I'm all about the dishes. Im trying to remember the weekend - I think it was lovely up this way.
The soap looks fun and yea for sock knitting. I need to work on mine tonight and get off the 'puter. g
Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love her cake! Fabulous! Hugs xo
That soap sounds great! Do you just pick up big globs of it and enjoy??
Did you make that cake for your daughter??? Amazing!
Hi Kathy sorry l have not contacted you earlier but hubby went in for his biopsy on Tuesday so its been a bit topsy turvy here for the past few days. What a great blog it has taken me a while to read , you are a very talented lady and your soaps are wonderfull it has left me wondering what to send you l will have to rack my brains,my e mail address is family300l@AOL.com look forward to hearing from you again.
Hugs Pat
Wow, that cake looks terrific! You and your daughter whip up some fabulous products! x
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