Our really fun stuff started on Saturday morning when we went for a morning walk. The above picture was taken during that walk. We had never seen a baby hummingbird begging it's mother to feed it, so we were thrilled when we came upon these two. What a lovely way to start off a weekend.
Right place, right time comes to mind whenever I look at this picture. If we had been 10 seconds later or earlier we might never have captured this tender moment. A big thank you to my hubby for giving me access to all his terrific photo's. No matter how many times I say "Oooh I want that for my blog" he always obliges... he's a keeper! Of course being his "assistant" might just give me a bit of an edge, don't you think?
The Cedar Waxwings are still around. We spied this one feeding on Elderberries. I vaguely remember someone in our family making Elderberry Wine. Hmmm I wonder who it was? I will have to ask my Auntie Di the next time I phone to see if she remembers who. Funny how a memory floats back into your mind like that.
Saturday over with our Sunday was great fun too. Cirque du Soleil is back in town and we were lucky to have tickets to a show on Sunday afternoon. Sorry no camera's allowed so you will have to take my word for it that it was fantastic! What talented people they all were.
Right after the show we ended up at daughters house for that wonderful visit and that scrumptious meal. What a great way to end up our weekend.
I did have plans to work some more on my ripple blanket which has been a bit neglected these past few days. On returning home though I was barely able to keep my eyes open. So it was a quick bath then off to bed.
So how was your weekend?
Sounds like a great weekend. I am grateful to your husband for all his beautiful photos too! Love that baby hummingbird! Too cute. Was his camera expensive? I want to get myself a new one that will allow me to take close ups like he does.
Hi Hetty (this is 'Mr. LizzieJane')
Thank you for your kind words about my pictures. I really do appreciate it!
To answer your question about the camera - it is a Canon 40D but what really allows me to take these shots with such detail is the Canon 100-400mm lens and the 1.4X tele-extender that combined equals a 560mm lens. Should you decide to go that route be prepared to heft a good 20-pound load.
I, too, just love your hubby's photos! They are magnificent! I just find it hard to believe that you can go for a walk relatively near your home and find wildlife like you do...I'm living in the wrong location, I guess! Our weekend was busy, but good. We actually went on a "nostalgic drive" to the town where we met and were married...that was fun! Looking forward to next weekend already!
Thank you so much for keeping up with my blog! I love it just for myself but it is lovely to see you popping in. Thank you so much . Your photos are lovely xx
What a wonderful hummingbird picture - am so glad you enjoyed a weekend with no rain!! I always love all your pictures - you and your husband are amazing photographers.
I have never made any Elderberry Wine yet, but Elderberry jam (and with the flowers as well). I love your husband's beautiful and incredible photos!
oh he's definately a keeper with pics like that -- hub even asked me what I was aaaahhhhing at ... hummingbirds are awesome. Our weekend involved a school fayre , firemen and ice cream
I still want to be making those lovely bath products, lemon bar soap and lemon body creme, delicious! Those bird shots, they are just fantastic! I must admit to more often than not becoming quite tearful whenever I see a parent bird caring for its young. x
Last year we had a hum-bird nesting on our front porch. It was amazing - until the wind blew the nest over and broke the eggs. Sad. g
Not a Bad Idea!
Body Sponge
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