Have a lovely Tuesday!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Christmas Knitting
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Monday, September 29, 2008
What a wonderful weekend to do yard work, the sun shone and the temperatures were perfect!
First we harvested some grapes from our "vineyard", well one grape plant actually, but a girl can dream. My husband did a little grouping of all things wine and took the lovely pic above. Alas, the wine was bought but the little grapes are all ours, this is the first year that we have gotten grapes from our little vine, delicious they are to.
Yes indeed it was a lovely weekend, hope yours was as wonderful.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
On the mend
Well my yucky cold is feeling quite a bit better today thanks in part to this lovely tea and some wonderful Oatmeal Raisin cookies that my lovely neighbor Annette made.
Yesterday wasn't a complete wash out, I did some more sewing and knitting, checked on my grapes in the garden, some are sweet but most a still sour, now it is a race against time to see what will come first, frosty weather or ripened grapes. It was 36 degrees here yesterday morning when we woke up so it is definitely getting colder.
My goodness it is Thursday already, where has this week gone, I hope you are enjoying it so far.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baking and Buying
I chickened out on making the Lavender Scones and made good old Chocolate Cupcakes with pale pink butter cream frosting instead, they went down a treat with afternoon tea, I even shared with my neighbor Annette, we quite often share home baked goodies.
So that is what I did this weekend, what did you all get up to?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
No Knitting, No Sewing just Baking!
My mother and grandmother always used bowls like these whenever they did their baking, I think you could probably find them in the kitchen of most English homes.
I remember being in the kitchen at my grandmother's home when she was cake baking asking could I lick the frosting from the bowl when she had finished frosting the cake, she of course always let me, I seem to remember that she left a lot more frosting in there than my mother ever did...don't you just love grandmother's!
I think I would trade my daughter for a set of the dishes on the front cover....just kidding (I forgot that she reads my blog). They are beautiful though, don't they just scream out for a tea party in the garden.
Well my husband is off tomorrow, so that's it for this week, see you all on the other side of the weekend.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ladybug, ladybug fly away home....
A package came in the mail yesterday all the way from Australia, I had ordered some yummy yarn about two weeks ago.
For quite a while I have been wanting to make a bunny little one, I thought it would be as easy as pie....boy was I wrong! I can't tell you how many little bunny heads are rolling around in my sewing room, at times it looks quite gruesome!
So far this is what I have come up with,
Well now I am off to make a big pot of soup, even though it is going to be 85 here today I am still craving a lovely big bowl of homemade soup.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Gardening and a Birthday Party!
We worked in the garden quite a bit tidying up and pruning, the garden is already starting to go to sleep, the flower above is usually one of the last to bloom, it is actually a bulb and it is very sweet and pretty, I haven't the foggiest what the name of it is though.
Now I have saved the best for last, my neighbor Annette invited us to a lovely Birthday Party, it was for her dear mother Bea who turned 90 on Saturday.
Well needless to say not much sewing was done this weekend, I hope you all had a lovely weekend like I did!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jamie loves wearing his Halloween sweater, he is a little early this year but he loves to say Boo! to everybody.
What a glorious day we have had today here in the Pacific Northwest, I almost feel a little guilty enjoying it so much when all the poor people in Texas are waiting anxiously for an awful hurricane to come ashore, lets hope that it won't be as bad as they predict. A special greeting to my friend Anne who lives in Texas, to stay safe and that I am thinking about you and your family.
Quite a few of you expressed interest in wanting the recipe for the plum cake that I had on my blog just a short while ago, sorry it took so long but here it is.
Veronika's German Plum Cake
Approximately 35 Italian plums, pitted and sliced in half.
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 Cup plus 2 tbls sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of salt
2 cups flour
3(level) tsp baking powder
1/2 cup cold milk
2tbls sliced or slivered almonds
1 (level) tbls dried tapioca

Beat butter, sugar and egg until creamy.
Add lemon juice.
Sift together salt, flour and baking powder and add to batter mixture. Add milk and mix.
Grease an approximately 11" Springform pan and spread dough evenly on bottom only.
Sprinkle tapioca evenly over dough.
Place plums close together (around wall of Springform first) in circle fashion until form is filled.
Evenly sprinkle the almonds over the top of the plums.
Bake in 350-degree oven for about 50-60 minutes (possibly longer).
Remove cake from oven and let cool for 5-minutes. Sprinkle the cake with two tbls of sugar.
Cake is best eaten the first day, and is very delicious with lots of whipped cream!
Hope you all enjoy, and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ready for Autumn
Joey the little elephant loves Autumn, especially raking leaves and eating pumpkin pie!
Even though it is still officially summer my body is already in the Autumn mode, I am craving heartier dishes and pies. I think Autumn is my favorite season, I love Autumn colors in the garden and even in my clothing. I don't think I would do very well living somewhere that didn't have the four seasons. I think I have an Autumn brain, it is harder for me to come up with creative ideas in the summer but so much easier in the Autumn, then the ideas just overflow.
Anyone else craving Autumn, or is it just me?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Goofy Gang!
New little mice that came together this weekend, I affectionally call them the "Goofy Gang." I had made these little sweaters a couple of weeks ago and knew that they were perfect for these three little mice.
I had a lovely weekend, I hope you did too!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cross stitch
Halfway through making this pillow I was so fed up with so many thread changes that I thought I would lose my mind....maybe I did! Anyway, this pillow was my last thing that I ever cross stitched, it took me almost a year to complete, and I was overjoyed when the last stitch was made. So to all you cross stitchers out there you have my admiration, you sure have a lot more patience than I have.
I mentioned in an earlier post that my brother-in-law was going to open up an Etsy store, well I am pleased to say that he is up and running, click on this link Creations By David and you will be able to see all of his fabulous things.
Well that is it for me again this week, I enjoyed the three day weekend that we had last weekend so much that I'm am going to take another one...greedy me!
See you all next week.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Now that little Molly is finished it's back to coming up with some new ideas, I probably should get my brain in gear and get started on some Christmas things, or at least some little animals dressed for Christmas. I noticed in my mail today that there were a couple of catalogs already with Christmas things for sale, they seem to be getting earlier and earlier every year, and I seem to be starting later and later every year!
Enjoy your Wednesday!
Monday, September 1, 2008
At Last!
It was a lovely long holiday weekend for us but now it is over and the work week begins again, so it's back to the sewing room for me.
A good Tuesday to all!
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