Jamie loves wearing his Halloween sweater, he is a little early this year but he loves to say Boo! to everybody.
What a glorious day we have had today here in the Pacific Northwest, I almost feel a little guilty enjoying it so much when all the poor people in Texas are waiting anxiously for an awful hurricane to come ashore, lets hope that it won't be as bad as they predict. A special greeting to my friend Anne who lives in Texas, to stay safe and that I am thinking about you and your family.
Quite a few of you expressed interest in wanting the recipe for the plum cake that I had on my blog just a short while ago, sorry it took so long but here it is.
Veronika's German Plum Cake
Approximately 35 Italian plums, pitted and sliced in half.
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 Cup plus 2 tbls sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of salt
2 cups flour
3(level) tsp baking powder
1/2 cup cold milk
2tbls sliced or slivered almonds
1 (level) tbls dried tapioca

Beat butter, sugar and egg until creamy.
Add lemon juice.
Sift together salt, flour and baking powder and add to batter mixture. Add milk and mix.
Grease an approximately 11" Springform pan and spread dough evenly on bottom only.
Sprinkle tapioca evenly over dough.
Place plums close together (around wall of Springform first) in circle fashion until form is filled.
Evenly sprinkle the almonds over the top of the plums.
Bake in 350-degree oven for about 50-60 minutes (possibly longer).
Remove cake from oven and let cool for 5-minutes. Sprinkle the cake with two tbls of sugar.
Cake is best eaten the first day, and is very delicious with lots of whipped cream!
Hope you all enjoy, and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
I look forward to seeing what your going to have pictured next when I come to your blog...your little elephants just make me smile! I think you are having TOO much fun...if that's possible! Thanks for the yummy--and unique--recipe, too. May I use it in my cookbook? Have a great day!
Lovely Boo ! Trick or Treat ?
Thanks for the recipe :)
Have a lovely weekend too Kathy :)
Hi,Kathy:Have a lovely weekend.Riquisimooooo,the cake!!!Iwant!!!The elephants is so inocent!Besos!
Cutie Boo Elly!!! thanks for the recipe!!! looks really yummy!!
You can never celebrate Halloween too early! He's so sweet! Thank you for the yummy recipe!
hey we need to plan a trip to forks!!! lol! this gets a little obsessive doesn't it. i think this book has a spell on it! but I LOVE IT! ok the food looks yummy! send me some. and the really scary elephant all ready for halloween. gotta love it!
Thanks for the recipe. My late mother was named Veronica. To make it would remind me of her. x
I keep thinking that you must be running out of names for all of your little creations Kathy! But you keep coming up with them! Thanks for sharing a family recipe. That is such a lovely thing to do! Jen
Oh My, does this look delicious!!! Wow. I'm hungry now. Your Jamie is just adorable too! I love these little sweaters you've been knitting for them!
I'm thinking I may have to make this for my dad and stepmom this weekend when they visit! They have been hit with hurricane winds in Ohio and they lost power!! Who would ever think the midwest would be harmed by a hurricane?!!
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