I have started getting ready for Christmas, or at least starting to make some Christmas outfits. I felt quite merry yesterday knitting these little things, even if it was nearly 80 degrees outside. I had thought about putting some Christmas music on just for some extra inspiration, but I didn't want hubby coming home thinking I had really gone crazy!

Our wonderful hanging flower basket at the front of the house is still going strong, some of the flowers just about touch the ground now, it is hard to believe that it has been hanging there since the beginning of May, the fun part is trying to take it down when it has finished blooming, it is extremely heavy, thank goodness for hubby's!

Although Autumn is my favorite time of year I sure don't like the spiders that seem to appear every year. It is not the first time while walking out in the garden that I have gone face first into a cobweb, after trying to wipe it away your next thought, rather quickly I might add is...where is the spider! It usually involves a quick trip indoors to check your self in the mirror just to make sure that you don't have a passenger taking a free ride on you! So now when I go out, if I remember, I do what we call the Washington wave...waving your arms back and forth in front of you just to make sure there is no cobweb in your path. I had a chuckle the other day as my neighbor was in her garden doing the same wave, so if ever you visit us here in Washington during Autumn you will either think us very friendly because we "wave" a lot or that we are all having some kind of a fit!
Have a lovely Tuesday!
I love your christmas outfits !
Your flower basket is gorgeous !
Funny spiders ;)
Have a lovely day Kathy :)
That is so funny!! I just walk with my arm right bent, and my hand right in front of my face vertically. That way my nose isn't catching the webs! It looks like you may have the same spider there that we found yesterday!!!
Your Christmas knitting is so pretty! I've always wanted to do patterns like that on mittens or sweaters or hats! Our flowers have officially faded now. Craig brought in the last zinnias! Yours were just gorgeous this year!!
Such cute sweaters....i wonder who will be wearing them?!?! ;) gorgeous flowers, i'm still enjoying mine while they last. you know how i feel about spiders...outside Ok, inside No Way!!
I love your Winter knits, just gorgeous. I do a similar spider wave in our bathroom, we live near a lot of fields and the spiders that lurk in our shower are huge!! They wait until I've taken off my glasses and then appear next to my shoulder - arghhhhhh!!!!
Twiggy x
What adorable sweaters! I just love the Scandinavian look, especially with the red and white! I can't wait to see who will be wearing it! We have had our share of bugs moseying inside the house with the cooler weather...not my favorite thing. Good thing I have boys!
My husband does think I'm nuts. Usually sometime during the middle of summer he comes home to Christmas music playing. Nice job with the knitting.
Your christmas knitting looks quite fantastic! can't wait to see who ends up in those outfits.
I think, if I really watch what I eat, I might have a fighting chance of fitting into that little red dress. I'm not sure but .....
(it's gorgeous!)
Hahahaha - We also do the "Washington Wave"!
The bushes around our house are covered in those spiders. As long as they don't come in the house, or get on me, I'm fine with them. Their webs can be quite beautiful.
This morning we saw one that had made it's web high above our heads in the middle of a telephone wire... how do you think it managed that?!?
Your flower basket is amazing!
And the little sweater.... *sigh*
: D
what an adorable jumper! I just love the snowflake design :o) We had a lovely time in Austria, warm sunshine at the beginning of the week - and 4 inches of snow at the end! what a combination!
Wonderful!! Your hanging flowers basket is extremely very heavy and looking awesome.
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