Halfway through making this pillow I was so fed up with so many thread changes that I thought I would lose my mind....maybe I did! Anyway, this pillow was my last thing that I ever cross stitched, it took me almost a year to complete, and I was overjoyed when the last stitch was made. So to all you cross stitchers out there you have my admiration, you sure have a lot more patience than I have.
I mentioned in an earlier post that my brother-in-law was going to open up an Etsy store, well I am pleased to say that he is up and running, click on this link Creations By David and you will be able to see all of his fabulous things.
Well that is it for me again this week, I enjoyed the three day weekend that we had last weekend so much that I'm am going to take another one...greedy me!
See you all next week.
I used to be an avid cross stitcher too, but got a bit bored with it - I only liked it when it all came together at the end. I started a rabbit sampler and it still need finishing - got to be at least three years ago I started it. It has so many changes it thread I get fed up not seeing any developments!
I LOVE cross stitch, but only do small projects. I did a waterfall tapestry for my Mum once and it took a year!!!! everytime I see it on her wall I shudder ;)
The cake looks scrummy and I love your little Molly bear, what a cute dress.
Twiggy x
Your cross stitch pillow is so beautiful. I love to cross stitch and never seem to get bored with it but progress is slow that is for sure. Molly is a precious little bear. I can't wait to see your Christmas creations. Heat on already - unbelievable - it is 94 degrees here today and no relief in sight!
Kathy....enjoy your long weekend!!! ;) love the pillow....i'm a softie for gorgeous ones!!! and the cake is just scrumptious!!! Yummy!!!
well done on the cross stitch - I don't think I would have had the patience. Can you believe a shop bear me has christmas decorations in already!! I so love freshly picked tomatoes too
lisa x
I love cross stitch ! But tell me Kathy, What is this gorgeous Plum ToOOrte ???? With almonds !!!!
I love your dwarf in your garden !!!!
Hve a lovely day :)))
I really need some of your mother-in-law's recipes for my cookbook project...they all look so scrumptious! I, too, used to cross stitch, but it got too tedious. Your pillow is beautiful, though!
You really do have the nicest looking cakes for tea ;-) I made a cross stitch sampler for my nephew and that ended my cross stitch days .... it just took tooooooo long!
oh my gosh! i totally was a cross stitch fanatic at one time too! i mean i couldn't stop! i loved it! but i haven't done it in ages. that pillow is lovely, there's so much detail...that certainly takes time :)
Fancy teasing us with a close up of the plum cake, when we can't have any, lovely with a dollop of extra thick cream. Beautifully made jewellery for special occasions. x
Hi Kathy,
That plum cake looks damn fine to me! I wish my mother in law cooked like that...but she makes up for it by living far far away from us! LOL ... I'm very impressed with your cross stitch. Another thing that I can't do! I have come to realise something about myself since chatting to all you knitting, hand stitching girls. I'm more your instant gratification crafter...who envies those who are not! Hope you have a fantastic long weekend. Cheers - Jen
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