All winter long we have been feeding our little resident hummingbird. In fact hubby has named him Hector. Some days when it has been below freezing the feeder needs changing almost every hour. We like to think that we have aided in his survival this winter. Hector is a hummingbird with a bit of an attitude. He lets you know when you are getting to close or that you better hurry up filling his feeder. I say his feeder because he chases everyone else away that tries to use it. He makes the loudest chirping sound when he is mad or not happy.
So this morning it was below freezing here and when I looked out I saw that the feeder was frozen solid. Still in my pajamas and before breakfast I thought I had better see to the feeder before I saw to me. Normally hubby does this duty before going to work so I don't know why he didn't. It is a whole lot easier for him as he is quite a bit taller than I am.
I took the chair from the kitchen so as I could climb up to reach the feeder. Once inside I thawed it out and then filled it with nice new sugar water. Outside I went again. I climbed up on the chair and I guess I wasn't watching what I was doing and proceeded to spill this lovely sticky sugar water all over me. It is really quite amazing at how fast it pours out of those tiny holes!
By now I was feeling quite cold and sticky and Hector was getting a might impatient.
In I come again, repeat the process of filling the feeder. Out I go again, climbed up on the chair and could not get it hooked onto the hanger. Even more spilled out this time not only covering me but also the chair. Apparently there is some kind of trick to getting the feeder onto the hook which hubby hasn't told me about. I actually stood there in disbelief that twice now I had dumped that lovely sticky stuff all over me. Adding insult to injury Hector appeared around the corner of the house and gave me what for in his loud chirpy little voice.
So here I am freezing cold, sticky, still in my pajamas and so far no breakfast. Not even a cup of tea!
If I told you I did it a third time you wouldn't believe me so I won't!
Finally the feeder got filled. The chair and the deck got washed down. Me? Well I am still sticky and cold. I did decide to have a quick cup of tea though before I went upstairs to take a hot shower.

I even used my brand new cup that I brought myself over the weekend. So there I was standing in the kitchen looking out at Hector drinking away at the feeder while sipping on my warm delicious cup of tea. The phone rings... its my mother-in-law. "My furnace isn't working" she says. Sigh... I knew I should have just stayed in bed this morning.
As a side note if any of you want a punk rocker spiky hairdo I highly recommend hummingbird sugar water... it sets up like concrete!