Monday, November 10, 2008

My new car!

My husband is a very funny man, this weekend he went to the Seattle Auto Show, where he proudly told me that he took a pic of my next new car....oh yeah he's real funny!
Well as promised here is the inside of the new books that I purchased recently,They really are very nice books.....while there is nothing spectacular or new, I am enjoying them immensely......I think these little coasters are very sweet.This book shows about how French homes are decorated......although there are a few sewing projects.I love all the wonderful fabric's, I could spend a fortune if I ever made a visit.
So there you go, I hope you enjoy them, and I hope you enjoy your day!


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

The photos and styling are lovely kathy! The French has such a simple yet elegant style. Love the use of red.

Anonymous said...

I love your futur car Kathy... and your book ! Have a lovely day :)

Anonymous said...

Now I'm singing...'Let's ride with the family down the street, through the courtesy of Fred's two feet....'. I'm off to bed. I have got to get that song out of my head! LOL! Secretly I wish it was my car! Jen

wonderwoman said...

what lovely books!! i just love looking thro new books.
great car - mind you the way things are going we may all end up with one like that!!


Bettina said...

lovely new car!Ilike so much!So ecologist!The new book is so bonito!Besos:)

Terri Fisher said...

Love the car! What a sense of humor your husband has! The market tote pictured in one of your books is so pretty. Again, I wish I could sew!

annemarie said...

Lovely books - enjoy!! Your husband has a sense of humor like mine does. I am the serious one - he is the joker. Isn't is funny how opposites attract! Any snow yet - I see the Dakotas have more than their share!

Anonymous said...

cool car ;-).. the books look great
lisa x

Bethany said...

I love the red and white in those books!! I would love a lot of hearts like that! And your new car would get great gas mileage!!!

Anonymous said...

I wrote a post today for Christmas about creations and little shops. You are in :)

Louise said...

Love the new car. What colourway have you chosen? x