Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What a cold snap we are going through, my poor little pond is almost completely frozen, but we are all warm and snug....
...and very merry!I made this Santa probably ten years ago, it was my first venture into making a jointed movable doll, and I might add my last. I was frustrated many times over putting this little fellow together, but eventually all his parts were put in the right places and he has sat happily ever since in his sleigh.Yes, Christmas decorating has come together very nicely this year!


Bettina said...

Hi,Katy...how wonderful is your blog!!!!Amazing!!!!One of the best I´ve ever seen,honestly!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Kathy!!! Love the pond pic...totally cool to see how it has frozen. Santa looks great in his sled!!! very happy and merry at your home!!!

Anonymous said...

love the pond pic, your house looks very christmassy with the dancing snowmen
lisa x

hetty said...

Love your Santa!!!! How big is he? Things look to be very Christmassy at your house!

Anonymous said...

Your Santa is very very nice ! Lovely red tree ! I like it !

Country Cottage Chic said...

Your decorating is looking very pretty!

Sheila said...

I love your snowguys and that Santa is wonderful he looks like he would have been a bear to make. Looks like Mr. Beasley is giving Santa a helping hand. He sure looks nice in his red vest. What a handsome guy he is. Love the icy pond. It's been really cold here.

Jenny said...

Your Santa is so lovely! No he's gorgeous! You should make more!