Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough!

Well it seems that I have caught that nasty cold that has been going around blog land, not to worry though I am well armed with all kinds of good remedies, and I am sure it will be gone in no time.My lovely sister-in-law is a flight attendant, (oh lucky me) and she just returned from a trip to London and brought me all these lovely magazines. So this afternoon I am going to make myself a lovely hot cup of tea, eat a wonderful blueberry muffin while I am curled up on the couch reading my new magazines, ah heaven, thank you Christie.Well I couldn't go without showing you Mathilda, Maddie to her friends, hopefully by Monday she will have some friends!
I sure hope my newest batch of little Ellie's don't catch my cold, I can just imagine what a racket they would cause with all that sneezing, not to mention all the boxes of tissues we would go through!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you on the other side.


Bethany said...

oh no! I hope you are feeling better soon!!! I wonder if it can be passed through the computer mouse? Anyways... at least you seem well prepared. Matilda is a sweetheart.... maybe she can nurse you back to health? Stay warm!

Unknown said...

Kathy - I really hope you feel lots better soon. My bunnies and I prescribe - super hot baths, followed by early nights and warm socks. And if that doesn't work - some serious cold medication and a box of aloe tissues ;-)

Anonymous said...

Maddie is a sweetheart!!! my son really likes her!!! are those sock on her feet or ??? i can't wait to see the rest once you are well....take care....have some hot tea with lots of lemon and honey!!

Terri Fisher said...

I can sympathize with the cold...I'm on week two, and just when I thought it was getting better, my throat is starting to hurt! Oy! Take care of yourself and have a great weekend creating friends for Maddie!

nathalie bearden said...

i hope you feel better my friend! i hate to get a cold. but i wish i did get it. it would give me an excuse to lay around. yeahhh right. moms needs a license to be sick. happy weekend to you.

driftwood said...

oh feel better soon, but not before you've read all those lovely magazines!

Anonymous said...

Aaaatchouuuumm ! Oh poor Kathy ! But with some medicament, orange and lemon juice, honey, maybe a goblet of champagne instead of medicament :), all those beautiful english magazines and a good cup of tea ! I'm sure you will get better very quickly :) I like Mathilda, she is very pretty with her lovely dress ! Very nice ! Take care of yourself and have a lovely weekend :)

annemarie said...

Oh dear - I hope you are starting to feel better. Those nasty colds can throw you for a loop! Matilda is darling - your work is always top notch.

Handmade in Israel said...

Lovely Maddie! Can't wait to meet her friends aswell. I love the apples in your previous post too. Your Xmas tree will look gorgeous -keep at it!
Thanks for dropping by my blog today - so glad you've been to visit.

wonderwoman said...

everyone i know seems to be suffering at the moment! i hope you feel better soon!


Bettina said...

UUUUU My harts stay with you in the weekend and i hope you stay well for Monday!:)

Anonymous said...

oh dear - hope you feel bettere real soon. Look out for the antique Noddy collection !!!
lisa x

Jenn Maruska said...

Oh - I hope you feel better soon!

I feel like I've been typing that alot lately...

I'm sure Maddie will keep you good company 'til you're feeling your best again.

: )